Jogal Women's Hospital

+91 96014 26225


Chromosomal disorders are a group of conditions that occur due to changes or abnormalities in the structure or number of chromosomes in the cells of an individual. These disorders can affect various aspects of a person’s health and development, including physical features, intellectual abilities, and reproductive capabilities. At Jogal Women’s Hospital, we understand the complexities of chromosomal disorders and provide specialized care and support for women and their families facing these conditions.

Common Chromosomal Disorders in Women

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21): Down syndrome is one of the most well-known chromosomal disorders, characterized by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Women with Down syndrome may experience developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, distinct facial features, and an increased risk of certain health conditions.
Turner Syndrome (Monosomy X): Turner syndrome occurs when a female is born with a missing or partially missing X chromosome. Women with Turner syndrome often have short stature, delayed puberty, infertility, and may experience certain health issues, such as heart and kidney problems.
Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY): Klinefelter syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that affects males. However, some women may have variations of the X and Y chromosomes associated with Klinefelter syndrome. These women may face challenges such as infertility, learning difficulties, and hormonal imbalances.
Triple X Syndrome (XXX): Triple X syndrome is a chromosomal disorder characterized by the presence of an extra X chromosome in females. Women with triple X syndrome often have normal physical appearances, but they may experience learning difficulties, delayed speech, and an increased risk of certain medical conditions.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Diagnostic procedures may include a thorough medical history review, physical examinations, and specialized tests such as chromosome analysis (karyotyping), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), or advanced molecular techniques.
Our multidisciplinary team of specialists, collaborate to provide tailored treatment options and support services. These may include hormone therapy, fertility preservation techniques, educational interventions, and ongoing counseling to address the unique needs of each patient.

Schedule an Appointment

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a chromosomal disorder or have concerns about a possible chromosomal abnormality, we are here to help. Please reach out to Jogal Women’s Hospital to schedule an appointment with our expert team of healthcare professionals. We are dedicated to providing compassionate care, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support to improve the quality of life for women with chromosomal disorders.